Who We Are

We Are a Community Built on the Life and Teachings of Jesus.

We believe that Jesus perfectly reveals the true heart of God. He’s not a distant or indifferent dad who scowls with arms crossed as he considers all you’ve wasted and everything you’ve broken. Instead, he’s a God who loves you, whose arms are open wide to welcome people home.

Why would God want to hang out with people like us? There’s only one answer: love. Extravagant love. Love that is on a level beyond time and space. Divine love. And this is the kind of love that is toward us today.

The big idea behind our community is that every woman, man, girl and boy—every age, every race—would find a home in God. A home where they belong. God has made us a family, and we want to be a community that operates as a family.

Welcome home.

What Does Fortified City Mean?

Fortified City Church began in early 2014 after Pastor Mark and Pastor Carol were moved by God to go into full time ministry.

Our name, "Fortified City," reflects our belief that we are going to be a church that is a place of refuge, of safety, of hope, and a place that functions like a home, that looks like a home, and that loves like a home. And ultimately, what we experience on earth will look a lot like heaven.

Jeremiah 1:18 has become a hallmark passage for our community. The idea and concept of a place of refuge is centric in scripture. It is the idea that every human is a sojourner and he/she is returning home. Home is not so much brick and mortar, an actual space or room. Home is a place and a posture our soul discovers in Jesus—where the created returns to a loving relationship with the Creator. Bringing people home is what God does. Whether prodigals or prodigies, artists or intellectuals, rebels or rejects, God’s arms are open to all.

You Belong

God is making Fortified City a community where everyone is welcome, not just to a physical building, but to an emotional place of refuge in him.

No matter where you are in your journey, you belong here!

We are a small church with a lot of people. The point is not about having a big church. The point is building a community of big-hearted people willing to love and help anybody.


“Now behold, I have made you today like a Fortified City and like a pillar of iron and walls of bronze against the whole land, to the kings of Judah, to its leaders, to its priests, and to the people of the land.”- Jeremiah 1:18

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